Developer API and Docs

cSMS API documention for developers

Full documentation is not available for now but if you have experience in consuming RESTful API, this should make sense to you. For assistance, contact api@mycsms.com or WhatsApp +233576007146

Send SMS

End Point


Request Payload (JSON) - POST

"apiKey": "cSMS11c5bfb000c4-bbbbbbf27fc69170",
"phone": ["0559295523"],
"sender": "cSMS",
"message": "cSMS is awesome"

optional parameter is
"schedulingTime":"2020-10-28 14:10:05"

To find your unique API Key, login to cSMS Dashboard and navigate to
Menu > Profile/ API

Response Payload (JSON)

"result": [
"responseCode": 10000,
"responseMessage": "Message Sent",
"comment": "SMS has been successfully processed for delivery",
"senderID": "cSMS",
"phoneNumber": "0559295523",
"messageReference": "A7AE6D70-3995-4943-984B-CE3B91EA4641",
"messageContent": "cSMS is awesome",
"estCost": "1Credit(s)",
"balance": 697,
"scheduledTime": null,
"curDate": "2020-10-28 09:11:17"

Below are the response codes meaning for responseCode
10000 Type: INT Message Sent
10001 Type: INT Message Scheduled
20000 Type: INT Message Not Sent
30000 Type: INT Message Not Sent
40000 Type: INT Invalid Phone Number
60000 Type: INT Empty Message
80000 Type: INT Insufficient balance
90000 Type: INT Unapproved Sender ID
90001 Type: INT Critical Error
90002 Type: INT Processing Failed
90003 Type: INT Invalid API
50000 Type: INT Balance Status